Ayuenala: until 1920 (?)

Ana(n)kansa: enstooled May 16th, 1921.


Atuebey, since March 25th, 1977

26.9.1908: The Chief of Bechawnsi came in to Navoro + complained that hardly any of his Headmen obeyed him. A Constable was sent out + the following headmen brought in + detained in goal for sometime at Navaro to learn sense.


Headmen                                                        Section

Attubugee                                                       Yambissi

Addaboya                                                       Gangosobolsi

Abellin (Awuduwo is dead)                               Vari

Ayaraga (son of Akunsa who is too old)            Vari

Akumbena                                                      Yambissi

Aiyallua                                                          Ailidem

Achum                                                            Tibassi + Awuchandem

Avizakum (Chief Headman)                              Yambissi

Attinkpi                                                          Achangdey

Anam                                                              Aijedem

                                                                                                sgd. Nash, D.C

29.5.1909: The Chief came in and reports that the following men ... did not obey him but they have killed 3 fowls + prayed to God + the earth that no rain may fall + the crops spoil:

Apanka, Adamu (old soldier), Nyatanmta (?), Aiyangala, Asetchembi + Botchonsi.

The Chief could bring no definite charges on this account, the crops are known to be fairly advanced, so all these men are continued + allowed to go. Sgd. H.M Berkely D.C.

March 1917: Visited. The Chief Aiyunulla.... see above

16.5.21 Bechaunsi, Chief Anankansa enstooled.

9.3.1917: Bechawnsa: Visited: The Chief Anjunulla is old and quite blind. It is a mistake that he died on 1.7.09. Chief Anyunulla has several sons. Anyawbi is the eldest. Achemannya is next eldest: Aiyo is next. Chief given a present of 10/- for upkeep of R.H. [rest house]

22.7.1917: The Chief failed to send a representation to Navrongo to the recruiting (?)-meeting, neither did any of his people go. In fact I have not seen him since taking over the district.

23.12.1917: The chief who is very old and blind, did not send a representation to Sandema to meet the C.N.E.P. [Commissioner of the North Eastern Province?] and as he failed in the same way last July he is fined Lb 10.1.9. Lb 5 for each occasion.

26.12.1917 Fine paid. L. Castellain

21.12.1917. Visited by C.N.E.P [Commisioner of the North Eastern Province?] + D.C. All Kanjarga Chiefs were present except Bechansa...

11.6.1919: The Chief of Bachawnsi is a very old... His son is acting for him.

... (hardly readable)

18.11.1920: To Bechaunsi, met by the chief’s son; they say they have not finished the funeral custom yet and will not do so until all the c... is in. Told them they must be ready for an election on the next visit by a D.C.

19.7.1932: 3. I was met a[t] Bachannsi by the Chief, a feeble and insignificant looking individual though not old, and a few people. This is very much in the Bush and is said to be be the home of lions. I neither saw nor heard any.

4. I was unable to get much news from these people but they originally came from Wiaga, near Sandema.

9.8.1939; 13. ...the Chief who is blind seems very frail now and is not, I think, long for the world. He is quite young but his blindness knocked all his spirit out of him.

16. At Bechaunsi. ...The Chief who is a plaintive sort of bird appeared worried as to whether the Issalas would claim the land on this side of the river if a line was cut. He always has some grouse - it is due to his physical condition.


26.10.1908: Chief - Na - says he was made chief by the Mamprussi chief of Korugu (south of Volta). He is paramount to no other town. Nash D.C





Dindanah (grandfather of Amachenna)

Periga (see below)

Amachenna / Aamachan(n)a: 1901 (?) - 30.12.07

Attechey /Attecheng: 26.3.1908- Nov. 1913

Periga/ Apenga /Aperiga: Nov. 1913 - 22.12.1922 (death)

Amboba 18.5.1923-

Achangalsa /Asangalisa 9.2.27-


9.4.1907: Chief Amachenna has been chief for about 6 years. His grandfather Dindona was Chief before him. Dindanah died before his son Timbeya, who was apparently passed over + the people elected his son, the present chief. Amachenna has a big locket.

The townspeople elect their chief regardless of succession?


30.12.1907: The chief Amachanna died this day. Sgd. A.M. Henry, D.C.

26.3.1908: Attechey [= Attuchiga?], the eldest son of the late Chief was this day elected Chief. Henry, D.C.


12.11.1908 ... the chief himself went with 11 cattle + 16 of his young men [to Kumasi].

The former Chief of Chuchulliga had power, + the present Chief (his son) has difficulty in upholding it. Lately there has been some disobedience amongst the headmen... Nash, DC


13.5.1909: the chief says they [the headmen] obey him + he has no trouble now with them.


30.10.1913: Held palaver with Chulliga people. The present Chief is Attecheng, made on the 30-12-07 [??].

Genealogy chiefly dynasty:



                        Kokdi +

Angalapi +

                        Ajanpanga +

                        Ajiggi nua, + (died during the days of Babatu)


                        Perrigah (still living, deposed by Bago about 1906


7.11.1913 The chief suspended and Apenga to act temporarily


8.11.1913 Ateichi (Aleichi? Atachi?) Chief of Chuchilliga attempted to commit suicide last night by stabbing himself in the throat with a poisoned arrow. He appears in court today and is little the worse for it, although there is a nasty wound ... probably ... the force used in pulling out the arrow.


19.11.1913: Chuchilga Palaver continued: 705 people attended of whom 552 are in favour of Perugah being reinstalled. Attecheng has now only 153 followers.


1.1.1914 (Adm 63-5-1) Attechi (son of Amachenna) is deposed + Perrigah, the man who was chief before Amachenna, is put back again on the stool. Amachenna was the slave agent of Bagao + was made Chief by him - Perrigah being deposed [by Bagao]. Sgd. Warden CNEP


14.4.1916: The old chief... came out to meet me


10.12.1916 Chief made false accusations against one Aiyama ... chief warned.


12.1916: Anajama complained that the chief had taken some of his fowls and had caught his father Kankoweni and had taken him to the chiefs comp., saying that they would not let him go until he had paid a cow.


8.3.1917 (list of chiefs), Chuchiliga Chief (Grunshi): Periga


19.3.1917 The Chief’s son Addachaab requires watching, as also does Aslaawas the Chiefs Messenger. They frequently take things by force from people... Castellain DC


20.5.1917 I think that the chief is a weak man...


13.6.1917: the chief paid his fine


29.11.1920: ...the chief complains that his headmen will not come to his call...


22.12.1922: Aperigam Chief died.


18.5.1923 Amboba elected chief with a very large majority. He is the second son of Aperigane, the late chief. The eldest son was disqualified as deaf, dumb + leprous. Most of the old men were contented too. A lot


1.2.1927: From this date Chuchilliga (less Nyangania Section) will be under Sandema as all the people so concerned are Builsas. The Section of Nangania now partly under Chana will entirely pass to that Town as it is all Kassena (12.6.27 officially handed over).


(list of chiefs): Achangalsa enstooled 9.2.27 [??]


1.3.1927 [??]: Election of new chief held in presence of P.C. and ag. D.C. Chiefs of Sandema Siniessi, Chana and Kardema present. Achangalsa elected on one years probation.


18.7.27: chief suffering from Guinea worm ... brought him to Navrongo. He says he was forced to join up but chief denies this.


16.8.1928: This town is a den of thieves. They have stolen a lot of sawn timber being brought to Navrongo. The Town is fined 500 bundles of firewood (which for brick burning) + the Chief will remain in H.Q. until this is brought in. Achangelsa the Chief is "suspect", [and] is warned that if anything else goes wrong he will be removed. Whittall, C. N. Prov. N.T.


1933? (1932?); Had a complaint that a Chuchuliga man had been bound and beaten + imprisoned in the Chief Chuchilliga’s house for 2 days + had then been taken to Sandema...


12.2.1940: ...The chief [Asangalisa] I think is of a very strong go-ahead type, he has well earned his medalion. He is building a magnificent two-story house like that of the Chianapio.