Akachiri/ Akaachie: 1908 (1917 still in office),
Atong: 1938-
Awuudum / Awodo Atong (27.3.72 - ), *1943; elected March 27th, 1972,
(from a list of chiefs) Akachiri, enstooled 28.6.1908; Atong, enstooled 1938
8.3.1917: chief Akacheri
1924 visit: ...chief of Doninga was not coming when called.. I did not like the chief of Doninga
March 1933: The old chief had been asked to abdicate about 3 years ago, owing amongst other things to his failure to bring firewood and water quickly for the DC!! The man who has been acting in his place has become such a g.... that the old chief asked if he might return to power again. I readily agreed and told the acting man that he was nobody from now on. Everyone was obviously delighted at this.
14.11.1939: To Doninga. Meeting with Chief Hdmen. ... The young Chief of this town elected 18 months ago on the death of his very ancient father seems to be doing well and is popular. This town used to be full of complaints in the old days of the old Chief who was an unpleasant old blighter and so senile that he could not carry on the affairs of state. I remember he always used to tell me a long rambling story of how he gave a cow to the first white man who ever came to Doninga - this was to impress his loyalty upon me which ever since the cow was presented (about 1900 or earlier) was in doubt.
I hope this town will go ahead a bit under this young Chief but unfortunately it is on a dying trade route and its market, once very important, is also dying.
4.2.1940: The Doninganaba is a young man and very silent. I found talking to him a bit difficult.
Anyiamjutee, von Briten abgesetzt
Ampusuba [= Ayaagyik?]: 13./14.4.1915 - 1919 (?)
Akambong 14.11.1924 -
23.9.1911: F[umbisi] votes for Kanjaga (not for Sandema) in the election of paramount chief
13./14. 4. 1915: New Chief elected for Fambissie. Breckenridge
14.5.1915 I approve of the election of AMPUSUBA to the stool of Fambisi subject to the usual period of one year’s probation. sgd. Armitage CCNT
11.4.1916: the chief had built some excellent R.H. and... also two good huts for Clear with small compound.
11.12.1916: The Chief was presented with a small medallion and a piece of stuff from the CCNT to make a gown. LC DC
8.3.1917: Fambisa: Ampusiba,
11.3.1919: To Fambisi where a chief was elected in the present of the chief Sandema.
(List of chiefs): Fambisi: Akambong enstooled 14.11.1924
7.11.1939: He [the chief] has three horses now...
Amboru: 1917 in chiefs’ list
Ayaric: 9.2.1927 enstooled
23.9.1911: in the election of Sandema - Kanjarga paramountcy Gbedema is neutral ...willing to follow anyone as appointed
12.4.1916: Bedema... The Chief came out to meet me, but did not impress me at all, + when I arrived at the R.H. I found them in a very poor state of repair
8.3.1917 (list of chiefs): Bedema Chief: Amboru
9.2.1927 (list of chiefs): Ayarak [Ayarik] enstooled
October 1932: Three men from Gwedema came in and complained that the Chief, who is quite the wrong man, has been abusing them for telling me the truth about their history and their system of election of chiefs. They told me when I was there in August that the Chiefs in the past had all come from the same branch of the family. This man who was elected was not of the proper chiefs family, and did not go to Tong when he was elected. He is now abusing the people
Akan(n)uemena: 2.5.1914 - (1917 still chief)
2.5.1914 (list of chiefs): Akanuemena installed
10.4.1916: Chief had no complaints and said he wished to build R.H. Told him I would come there next month + point out a site.
(list of chiefs) 8.3.1917: Godembisa: Akanuemena
11.3.1917: Chief Akanuimena came to Wiase to D.C.
21.12.1917 (meeting) All Kanjarga chiefs were present except Bechunsa, Godembisa + Wiaga.
11.9.1930: meeting: all Builsa chiefs except Godemblissi here..
8.11.1939: To Godemblissi by horse. ...Chief very glad to see me and the people also. He said "Now that you have come the people will see that I have a D.C. and am a real Chief". All asked me to come more frequently and they were sincere. I fear I have not visited this place often enough...
Adogo [= Adoum?]: died ca. 1905
Attugwieru [Atogboro, Atoguiro?]: 24.6.1908 (or 1906?) - [1920: very old]
Anangabe / Ada(a)ngabe: 28.4.1929 -
2.1.1906: Kardima: The old Chief Adogo has at the time of writing been dead for about 6 months. Akonga the elder brother of the Chief has come in to Navoro to report. As far as can be ascertained there are no further claims by applicants for the stool.
24.6.08 Chief Attugwieru elected? The Chief is in affluent circumstances and has control over his people.
The present Chief is a brother of the last Chief ‘Adoum’ who died five years ago.
The Chief of Kardima is paramount over
(1) Jepansi, Chief Akeumuerabel (?), (2) Epala, Chief Attee
The Chief of Kardima is not subordinate to any other chief.
The name of the probable successor is Angiainna who is a brother of the present chief
23.9.1911 vote for Sandema as paramount chieftaincy
8.3.1917 (list of chiefs): Atugbero
31.1.1920: Chief[s] name Atiguira. He has been Chief for many years ago. He is very old.
Sections: ... Chansa: headman Amangabe 8.4.1928
28.4.1929 (list of chiefs): Anangabe enstooled
29.4.1929: Anangabe son of the late chief elected chief on 1 year probation subject to approval of D.C.
17.1.1930: Chief complained that 3 headmen, Atamo, Amangabe and Amole, had not saluted him when he was made chief. Warned to do so.