Adachuro, Adachoruk: elected January 1906, approved: 27.5.06 -1913 (died April 1913)

A(n)kanaba/Akanan [= Anankabil, who died 17.8.1922]: 25.4.1913 - abdicates July 1922

Anatiw: elected July 1922-

Ampoba: deposed 21.7.1926

Anatiu: died 21.1.1934

Apimpanta: 21.2.1934 -



27.5.06: The Chief Adachuro, whose appointment was approved of by the CCNT (Col Watherston)... 9.2.06, is paramount over Kelase... s.o.


27.3.08, Adachura, the Chief, came in this day to complain that Asinga would not obey him, and that the latter was prevailing on the people of the town not to follow the chief. On investigation I find that Sgt. Soalla Kanjarga and Cpt. Asudu Kanjarga who are residing in the town on leave with their uniform are responsible for this unrest. Asinga has been detained at Navarro at the Chief’s pleasure and Sgt. Soalla and Cpt. Awudu have been sent back to their resp. two stations.

...The chief... says his headmen obey him but the young men don’t. The Chief is very useless and with no power. Attabila his linguist and not his son, is a rascal and has to be carefully watched...

Attibila was sent to goal for 6 months in 1910 by DC Berkeley for extortion


17.June 1912 (report Nash, DC): Relations between the Chief of Kanjarga and his people are not satisfactory. This is an old grievance as it appears that when Babatu raided the Kanjarga District the present Chief and some of his people helped Babatu, whilst the majority ran to Sandema and there fought and for a time checked that free-booter.

From the District Book I see that this man Adachuro was elected Chief in January, 1906, by the late Lieutenant Partridge and this was confirmed by Colonel Watherston, CMG, in February, 1906. However only 38 followers voted for Adachuro and 11 for a man called Asinga. This of course is where the initial mistake was made. Kanjarga itself is one of the largest and most densely peopled portions of this District, and at an election of a Chief one would expect at least 500 owners of compounds to vote instead of the above meagre gathering. ... visit: ...the whole mass of people wanted a man called Ankanaba as their Chief. The only disquieting feature is that the latter is backed up by all the discharged soldiers residing in Kanjarga, and, as they are quite numerous, there may be something behind the scenes which has not yet been disclosed. Adachuro, however, I saw, was poor, the possessor of very small compound, and strange to say with only one wife. (Nash, 17.7.1912)


9.4.1913, visit: 27.3.1913 ...general dissatisfaction that exists against Adachuro the present Chief. Palaver: The Chief Adachuro and his following occupied one side, and those who desired his removal sat on the other. The Chief’s party consisted solely of members of his own family and section, together with one other sectional Headman, but not his compoundholders; and in order to make a great show, he had included all the available women and children, but even with this addition, his party numerically compared very unfavourably with those who desired his removal, and these consisted of ten sectional Headmen, and their followers, together with the compound holders of the section whose Headman only followed the Chief. The exact proportion was one section followed the Chief - one neutral - and eleven who did not. Individually the numbers were about the same, namely ten to one against him.

3. The great grievance of the people, and the one that has aroused their bitterest animosity, is the part Adachuro played during the days of Babatu’s raids - when he joined that leader, and assisted him in hunting down his fellow country men; and owing to his intimate knowledge of the locality, he must have rendered invaluable assistance in securing all the most desirable booty available, both in slaves, women and cattle.

In fact many of the older men present stated to me that they would have escaped notice altogether but for the information supplied by Adachuro - and in consequence of which, except in his own section, there are at present many still living in Kanjarga who are indebted to him for the fact that their homes were destroyed, relatives killed or sold as slaves, and the whole of their belongings stolen.

4. ... reticence of the present men in not coming forward with this information at the time of the election - six years ago [1906?]. ...

6. Akanaba: ...This man, who is a cousin of Adachuro but through an elder branch, is the rightful heir, and on the death of the late Chief, should according to native custom have been appointed in place of Adachuro... but [Akanaba] did not appear at previous election at all, nor was anything known of him. He is an elderly man of engaging appearance, and I think should fill the position creditably, besides which I am informed he is one of the wealthiest in Kangarga and in every way suitable for the appointment.

7. The present Chief Adachuro, in my opinion, should certainly be removed, not so much on account of any offence he has committed himself, but for his omission in affording protection to the people generally from the depredations of his own sons and relatives.

In 1909 Captain Nash took labourers for the Accra-Akwapim Railway, ... the chief’s sons took... cattle and sheep from every one who had failed to supply men. ... chief himself... made no effort either to restrain his sons, nor obtain redress for the plundered...

... so I have brought him [Adachuro] to Navarro and have had land allotted to him on which he can build his compound and make his farms.

9. ... I have temporarily appointed Ankanaba... Warden (Prov. Comm. NE Prov.)


I.. on the 25th [April 1913] ultimo superintended the election of the new Chief. 2. All Headmen of sections together with compound holders and followers were present and ANKANABA was unanimously elected Chief. Every one, including all the late Chief’s own section, took the oath of Allegiance. I should be obliged if a small medallion be forwarded for the new Chief.

Warden, Prov. Commissioner North-Eastern Province.


28.3.1913: [trial election?, votes with names of the sections] Ankanah - Adachuro


26-April-1913: ...approve of Ankanaba being appointed Chief of Kangarga, vie, Adachure deposed. Irvine, act. CCNT


27.4.1913: Akanaba is unanimously elected; the following men of Adachuro’s comp. stated to refuse to obey the new chief... (names), Adachoro died 27.7.1914


27.5.1913: Medallion for the Chief of Kanjaga (ag. CCNT)


27.7.1914, Adachuro the ex-Chief of Kanjarga who was deposed and detained in Navrongo in April 1913 died today at Navarro from dysentery


8.3.1917 (list of chiefs) Kanjaga: Akanan


July 1922: Ankanaba is a very old man and beyond work he abdicates.

Anatiw elected in his stead on one year’s probation.


17.8.1922: Anankabil late chief died


21.7.1926 Ampoba removed from Chiefship for failing to assist the Government over rinderpest and telling lies with movement of cattle. His uncle Ageyire is to stop in Navrongo for 6 months for same offence. ... The new chief should be a strong man. Whittall,


20.8.1926: Ayamkom elected chief. He had a following over 200 compound owners and 350 men as against his rival Azambadi Kanjarga who had a following of 51 compound owners and 79 men (No boys or youth were counted). Azambadi Kanjarga was a very old man in the doting stage. There was no other competitor.

Ayamkom Kanjarga in the presence of Head Chief Awe of Navaro was told that he was elected chief on 3 years probation. Head Chief Awe assured me that Ayamkom would be of great assistance to him



19.1.1927: Ayamkom destooled on being sentenced to .... for failing to report an outbreak [of] "Rinderpest"


21.1.1934: Chief Anatiu died to-day.


22.1.1934: Stayed two nights for the election of a new chief. Chief of Sandema with me. Originally 15 claimants to the skin, these were weeded down to two by Sandema. I, however, insisted on a candidate from the late chief’s family being put up - he was ... excluded by Sandema... The candidates were as follows: 1) Anpanta, younger son of Ankanab, who abdicated in 1922... (hardly readable) Elder son alive but not suitable owing to lack of intelligence 2) Aping, grandson of Ajumisa, a chief before... the first to be recorded in this book 3) Akanyimviag, son of Anatwi, chief (Yankwensa section).

The following compound owners polled..... (Total 199)

The [result?] was as follows: Ampanta 81, Aping 65, Akanyimviag: 58

S. 235: Ampanta is accordingly elected chief , 1935: chief’s councillors: Napenab, Sentanab, Sawkuukanab.


21.2.1934 (list of chiefs): Apimpanta enstooled






Ancheh / Ancha[r]: 1914,

Anilig: 20.4.1925 -


S. 90: 8.3.1917: Katigri: Ancha, headman


S. 144: 1.5.1914: Ancheh who states he is the chief of the village came in to see commissioner. He states he was put on the stool by Chief of Kunkuor. I am informed the matter was reported to Capt. Warden - He says Akamputa is only a headman and does not obey...


12.5.1915: ...question of chieftaincy. Akampata has been making trouble and claims to be chief. The Chief or Headman appointed by Kunkwor is Ancheh...


8.2.16: Chief came to Kunkwa to meet D.C. and complained of Akanpita who was brought in and has been sent to Gambaga. Castellain


S. 145: The Chief of Katigiri was this day fined Lb 2 for not sending in sticks to Navarro when ordered to do so by the Chief of Sandema. He complained that his headmen would not do as he told them. L. Castellan DC


S. 173: 10.4.1916: The Chief complained that the Chief of Kunkwa was trying to take the villages Jadem and Buyem from him.


S. 179: 24.1.1917 I decided that Katigiri should follow Sandema... because his people are Kanjargas and the Kunkwa people are Mamprusis.


S. 271: 20.4.1925 Gardima was made the Chief’s Town and Katigri becomes one of its sections, this in accordance with the popular wish as Katigri is spoilt so many families having moved to Gardima.

Candidates for election

Anilig son of late chief of Katigri

Akutie grandson of Amena a previous chief

Anankanig half-brother of Akutie

votes: Anilig 44, Akutie 19, Anankanig: 19

Anilig is therefore appointed chief on probation and will now take up his residence at Gardima. Chief of Gardima was present and was satisfied with the result.


S. 272: 10.9.1933: Katigri people have moved back to Katigri with the exception of Jankansa who say there is no land at Katigri.