c) Rhodes-House Library, Oxford

Folgende Dokumente und Berichte waren für die persönliche Forschungsarbeit des Autors (F.K.) relevant (Auflistung nach dem Zettelkatalog unter Africa / Ghana / Gold Coast)

Akenhead, M.: Agriculture in Western Dagomba (1947)

Amherst: District Diaries

Assoc. of Senior Civil Servants

Blair, H.A. An essay upon the Dagomba People (see below)

Blair, H.A.: A trek in the Northern Territories of the Gold Coast (27.12. 1936 - 21.1.1937)

Burden, G.N. Labour migration... Gonja (see below)

Burden, G.N. Tape and transcript of interview Gold Coast 1950-53, Northern Territories

Carman, B.E. Education 1956-61

Carr, Diaries, Gold Coast 1953-58

Colonial Office: Customs and Medical Department 1893-1900

Crocker, W.H. Colonial Administration 1920-63

Cusack, H.V. Boy Scout movement in the Gold Coast, 1942-51

Edelsten, Ch.R. Sein net fishing in West Africa GC 1945

Fox, Y.: Three chapter of memoirs, N.T.

Fox, Yvonne: 2 vol of memoirs, 1939

Hughes, Mark H. Depopulation, Sissili, Vare

Lawson, D.M.: Gold Coast Diaries 1927-31, 5 vol.

Mullins. J.P.: Gold Coast bites 1951, NT (see below)

Scott, David: Epidemic diseases in Ghana 1901-60 (see below)

Shrimpton, E.S.: Gold Coast travel diary 1923.

Tamakloe, E.F.: Coming of the Gonja

Details einiger ausgewählter Dokumente und Berichte:

C. H. A. Blair (District Commissioner, Yendi): An Essay upon the Dagomba People (1931)

pp. 1-55 (Rh 3-59)

I) History of the Dagomba

   A) Drum History

   B) Conclusions

II) Present Conditions

marriage customs, child birth, upbringing of children, funeral customs (18-19): funeral: 10 days, sheep sacrificed; traditional: 1. washing of body; 2. goat is beaten over the head until it is dead, no blood must flow; entrails as a sacrifice to the fetish (vorher: tingdana); flesh eaten by participants,

baga: Which ancestor killed the dead man? if old: his spirit has come to an end; if ancestor killed him: sacrifice; (Zeit bis zum) funeral proper: up to 1 year; meist 3 Monate; sacrifice of a cow;

Bestattung: grave-diggers erhalten Matte; singe their hair to remove pollution;


(Blair:) Three Dagomba Religions (verbessert: Cults)

worship of Nawuni;

Fetish worship; ancestor worship; religious offices, taboos

p. 20: Sun is the symbol of God; p. 24 (28): baga is the oracle of the fetish. He [the diviner] has a little leather bag of medicine (often made from a part of the harnessed antelope...); he... interprets the reply of the fetish from the arrangement of the contents of the bag.

D) Chiefship

E) Fairies

kulu-kparsi: harmful fairies; similarity between Dagomba and Ashanti one; who sees fairies goes mad; kulu-kparsi live in trees known as “kpaliga” and “ga” trees; eat the nuts of “ga”;

small with large heads; rough hair, white; look after bush animals; the knowledge of the “baga” business... is in the charge of the fairies

F) Magic

G) Land Tenure

H) Day Calendar, 41-46

III) Myths, stories


C. H. A. Blair: A Trek in the Northern Territories of the Gold Coast (27/12/1936 - 21/1/1937)

Reisebeschreibung von Akkra durch die N.T. bis zurück nach Kumasi; Fahrt mit dem Auto;

Kpandu (brit. Togoland) - Yendi (in Times-Artikel beschrieben) - Sukuri (von dort zu Fuß nach:) - Gambaga - Nalerigu (dort Sleeping Sickness Camp) - Tamale (Chief Commissioner Jones) - Pong Tamale (Veterinary Department, breeding experiments; Exkurs über angriffslustige Bienen) - Zuarungu (Beschreibung der Frauenkleidung etc.) - Pwalagu-Fähre - Schießwettbewerb, Kriegstänze: Kleidung und Waffen; Giftpfeile - Nangodi (Goldbergwerk, Geschichte der Entdeckung durch Briten, Text eines Lobliedes; Mr. Reid) - Red Volta - Bawku (am Weißen Volta vom DC Mr Syme abgeholt; Briten pflanzten an allen wichtigen Straßen Bäume an; Kriegstänze; Direct Taxation und Indirect Rule ist ein Erfolg) - Pusiga (cattle control station) - Navrongo (Captain Mothersill DC; Bishop Morin) - Sandema  (large meeting; thousands of warriors in Kriegstanzkleidung; between Seniasi and Sandema the Builsa inflicted a serious defeat upon Babatu; chief: a very tall man magnificently built; Krieger hüllen sich in eine vollständige Kuhhaut - Navrongo (Mission der Weißen Väter; Kathedrale) - Sisile (Jagd, B. schießt eine Buschkuh; Krokodile und Wasserschlange; Vorderlader der Einheimischen) - Konohogo (er entfacht Buschfeuer) - Tumu (Major Armstrong DC) - Lawra - Nandom (katholische Kathedrale für einige Tausend Besucher) - Wa (Captain Ardron; nicest station in the N.T.; trifft dort einige Lobi aus den französischen Gebieten; ihre Beschreibung in Latein) - Bomboi Ferry (Volta; war vorher durch Sawla und Bole gekommen; Mr. Guthrie Hall, DC) - Kumasi


(Blair ?): Religious Education in the Northern Territories
[4 Seiten, ohne Erwähnung der Bulsa oder Koma]

Probleme: Soll "religious instruction" in "government education" eingeschlossen werden? (Ja!) ...the average colonial civil servant... is generally faintly surprised when he finds that missionaries can be "quite decent". Are the natives purely animistic? In my opinion they are not. ...[the] principle NAWUNI ... desires... an ethical code. ...Therefore I suggest that we should give Christianity to those who ask but not throw it at those who do not.


Mullins: Gold Coast.... Notes

Damango 1951;

Yapei: ferry over White Volta: a large raft manhandled, no fencing, car on it

Beschreibung Damongo; most under-populated district in the NT; Lake Kpirri near Sorri River

DC’s resthouse on top of hill; overpopulated Frafra-country (um Zuarungu und Bawku)

Mac Giffen war vorher DC von Bawku


Scott, David: Epidemic disease in Ghana 1901-60

Plague: 1907-9: ca. 340 Fälle, 1923-26: ca. 320 Fälle;

Yellow Fever (Diagramme): max. 1926/27 und 1937


Meningitis (cerebro spinal men.): max.: 1906/7, 1920, 1945, 1947-48

Relapsing Fever: max: 1923, 1927, 1930

Sleeping sickness: Ansteigen ab 1931; max 1939; bis 1960 abfallend

influenza: Accra 1918; max. Anf. Okt.

viele Karten und Diagramme